With my love of “healthy” food since a very young girl combined with my older girl “knowledge” in holistic nutrition, it has been my dream to develop a bread that is a nutrient dense “powerhouse”! With the combination of sprouted flours and using “wild sourdough” techniques, I cannot express how amazing these DK loaves of Sprouted & Sourdough bread are for you to eat!
Why Sprouted Flour?
Easier to Digest – Sprouting breaks down a portion of the starches in grains into simple sugars so your body can digest them more easily.
Increased Vitamin C – Sprouting produces vitamin C.
Increased Vitamin B – Sprouting increases the vitamin B content (B2, B5, and B6).
Increased Carotene – Sprouting increases the carotene up to eight times.
Increased Enzymes are actually produced during sprouting.
Reduction of Anti-nutrients – Sprouting neutralizes enzyme inhibitors and phytic acid, which is a substance present in the bran of all grains that inhibits absorption of calcium, magnesium, iron, copper and zinc.
Until the onset of the Industrial Revolution, grain naturally sprouted in the field before it was milled into flour. The invention of the combine harvester changed everything. Grain could be harvested in the field and then moved to storage bins. The time-honored practice of sprouting was cast aside for modern processing.
Unfortunately, nutrition was also cast aside. When whole grains are not allowed to ferment or sprout, they don’t contain the nutrients that sprouted whole grains do. And they retain the naturally occurring antinutrients, even when milled into flour.
The process of sprouting this flour is time consuming- it takes 4 days. The grain must be soaked in water, drained & sprouted, dehydrated at a low temperature and then milled to flour. The price of the flour is a lot more expensive but I feel that it is an investment in my health.